Computer freeze and starts clicking


Feb 19, 2011
My comoputer freezes and then begins to start clicking and wont responed to anything i do, except turn it off. But when I turn it back on it starts to click agian and then again i have to turn it off. Then I turn it back on, the second time, it says it needs to check for problems and it does, it finds a problem, and then i send the problem. I dont know what for sure the problem is, except maybe a disk or driver problem and i still have know clue about that. But this happens daily now. And I have no clue what to do and it is very annoying and i dont wont to cause any serious problems to my computer. Any clue and what could cause this?
The only components that make sounds are the fans, optical drives (when used) and the hard drive. If the system is failing, the hard drive making a clicking sound may be an indication of complete failure about to happen. Perhaps find someone with the abiloity to troubleshoot and replace the hard drive as well as reload the operating system. Or take the system to a local repair shop.
Ive asked my computer wizz friend and he recommend i buy a new hard drive but he needs to look at my cumputer first to find out what would work with my comp. Is that true? is there only certain hard drives that can go with certain computers. And ive been trying to fingure out where the clicking is coming from and it sounds like its coming from the power supply if thats possibly.
Clicking from the power supply may be a seized up fan. Open the case and listen/watch carefully what happens when you turn on the PC. See if there is air being blown out the back of the PSU.

If you list your exact computer brand and model # we can figure out which hard drive you need if you find the clicking is coming from there. If you are lucky, the failure is somewhere else.