Computer freezes after a couple minutes of use


Jul 13, 2017
I don't know if this is in the right category but I'm not sure what is causing my problem anymore. I have a PC "running" on a gigabyte am2+ mobo with an athlon II 2400, using windows 7. Everything will run very well and fast for a couple minutes. It then will completely freeze. It doesn't blue screen or anything but the mouse and keyboard don't respond and anything on the display stops. O read on another forum it could be bad hard drives. So I replaced them to no avail. So then I put hw monitor on a flash drive. Booted it up and managed to get it open before it locked up. I notice the CPU was running at 100% just on the home screen. So I figured it was my cpu. I replaced it with an athlon II 2450. And I have the same issue. The only thing I think it could be is the motherboard. The ram is new and I highly doubt the video card is the problem. Any ideas or help would be appreciated. Also sorry for the long post, I could think of a shorter way to describe my problem.
is the cooler on right so the cpu not over heating??? could be bad cap or over heating vrm on the mb or bad power. if the mb has onboard video try using it see if it boots. if it locks up pull the mb from the case use one ram stick if it locks up again try a test power supply.
is the cooler on right so the cpu not over heating??? could be bad cap or over heating vrm on the mb or bad power. if the mb has onboard video try using it see if it boots. if it locks up pull the mb from the case use one ram stick if it locks up again try a test power supply.
On board video had same issue. I took everything out like suggested and it ran fine with on board video. I put everything back in except the gpu and no issues at all so far. Thanks I appreciate it. I've been messing around with this PC for weeks. Guess the old gpu was giving the system problems. Is now working perfectly with a gt310 I had laying around.