Yesterday my computer was fine, it ran perfectly, there were no issues. I shut it down for the night, noting that windows had an update, so I selected "Update and Shut Down". I wake up this morning and when I turn it on, clicking on anything makes that program freeze for 10+ seconds (including windows explorer), so I waited it out, and restarted, thinking it was one of those "on-and-off-again" solutions, but the issues persisted and worsened. I opened Task Manager and noted my 'Disk' was at 50% usage (and the only piece of software involved in this Usage was using 0.1 MB), and my memory was being used at 22% almost solely by Windows Defender. So I read up online and I think it's my SSD, but I can't do anything about it, because my computer literally freezes the second I try to login. It bluescreened on the login screen and now it asks me if I want to start in Safe Mode, but I don't have the windows installation Disc it asks for, and when I select Start Normally it trys to launch win 7 and bluescreens halfway through.
Specs: (I can't remember exactly, would be easier if I could start my computer and look in device manager 'cause that's usually how I pull up hardware information as opposed to physically reading it off the hardware or memorizing it)
CPU: Intel i3 6700k
GPU: Nvidia Geforce GTX 750 ti
Motherboard: Gigiabyte b150m-hd3
PSU: Super Power 450 Switching Power Supply; Model: FM-460m (i'm just reading what I see on the PSU)
transcend SSD 128 GB
HDD: so old I can't even tell everythings worn off
Windows 10
One thing I can think of that might be the root of one of the issues is that I think I still have win 7 installed on my HDD, but when I got an SSD (I got it at the same time as the motherboard, GPU, CPU, and PSU), The retailer left my HDD alone, but installed Win 10 on my SSD and booting my computer from there.
Specs: (I can't remember exactly, would be easier if I could start my computer and look in device manager 'cause that's usually how I pull up hardware information as opposed to physically reading it off the hardware or memorizing it)
CPU: Intel i3 6700k
GPU: Nvidia Geforce GTX 750 ti
Motherboard: Gigiabyte b150m-hd3
PSU: Super Power 450 Switching Power Supply; Model: FM-460m (i'm just reading what I see on the PSU)
transcend SSD 128 GB
HDD: so old I can't even tell everythings worn off
Windows 10
One thing I can think of that might be the root of one of the issues is that I think I still have win 7 installed on my HDD, but when I got an SSD (I got it at the same time as the motherboard, GPU, CPU, and PSU), The retailer left my HDD alone, but installed Win 10 on my SSD and booting my computer from there.