Computer freezing and crashing when starting game/video benchmark


Jun 5, 2016

I recently upgraded my pc. I used the same HDD but with a new install of Windows 10. Every time I try to play a game, it will start up and run fine for about 2 minutes. It will then proceed to stutter/fps drop/audio glitches/ then freeze requiring reboot.

I checked event log after reboot, i am getting:
The description for Event ID 56 from source Application Popup cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer.

Also, I monitored with Corsair link and all my temps are good. However it was only reading cpu load of about 15 - 20%.

PC Specs:
MOBO - Gigabyte Z170x Gaming 5
CPU - i5 6600k
GPU - GTX 680
Ram- Corsair DDR4 16gb
PSU - EVGA 850G2
Hmmmm whenever i see a similar complaint i'd usually think of the PSU as the first culprit (along with a software issue) but i see you are using a very good PSU so assuming it's not damaged i'd rule out the PSU from culprit list. Then, before further investigating the hardware side, a possible software error comes to mind, perhaps a driver issue. Are you overclocking and did you alter the voltages of your CPU? What about your GPU? any overclocks? do you use another software running in background when you run your game? let's be specific
I have not overclocked cpu or gpu. I also did not change voltages. The audio is repeating until I restart. It's like a constant glitchy repeat. Programs that are running are the Corsair Link for the h100i cooler, the sound blaster program for mobo, steam, and nvidia experience
Do you use the latest drivers for your devices? like for example your display drivers and sound drivers? If yes, then my number 1 culprit is one or both of your RAM sticks (if you use 2 sticks). I experienced a very similar problem weeks ago but then i realised the problem was Chrome's hardware acceleration feature, ever since i disabled it i never got any crashes. But in your case, you don't use chrome so yes, i think maybe RAM (2nd culprit may be the motherboard though)
Or maybe you should try closing all the software you don't specifically need during gaming and try so abit. Software conflicts may cause such issues too. You could use a software to scan your RAM sticks for defects by using a tool like memtest, too
I did run memtest earlier. I had it do one pass and nothing came up. Maybe I can run it longer. I actually do use Chrome though. So Chrome could cause this big of problem when running games even if chrome is not open?

No not if closed. By the way if you want to get a better result in memtest you must run it repeatedly over a night or so ortherwise it will probably not be able to detect problems

Hey, thanks for your help. It actually seems like it was a problem with gpu. Swapped it out with another and now i am running games fine.

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