Computer Freezing with High end games


Jul 25, 2016
I'm having this issue with my computer totally freezing and making me force shut down. Whenever I try and play Overwatch, it get to the main screen and the game will freeze. The audio will still play, and i can still click stuff I even joined a game with the screen frozen, but after about two minutes the audio cuts out and I can no longer move the mouse.
I have two monitors and when I click ctr, alt, del, the other monitor turns blue and I can do nothing.
I wanted to test it with other games to see if it were just Overwatch or not. So i tried playing Bioshock Infinte, I played about 10 minutes and then my computer freezes, the audio continued but when i hit ctr, alt, del the other screen turned blue and I had to force shut down. I tried Bioshock again and I had the tast manager up to monitor everything. only got the the company into stuff this time before everything froze. The tast manager said everything was running but occasionally said AI Suite II had stopped responding.
I tried this with one more game that I thought was graphics intensive to see if it may be the graphics card. So I tested Skyrim but that worked perfectly fine.

Can someone please help me!
Please post your full specs.

Is this a new issue?

The most likely causes are a driver issue, high temps, unstable OC or a PSU that's not up to task of running your hardware at the level/speeds required for gaming.

Do you have the latest drivers for your GPU? Did you uninstall older versions before updating?

Are you monitoring your CPU/Motherboard/GPU temperatures? If so, what program are you using to monitor?

Have you overclocked anything? CPU/GPU/RAM?

PSU, well, we need the make/model.