Computer Frequently Crashing?


Oct 3, 2014
So this has been an issue that has occurred for the past half a year or so now, but it's becoming increasingly worse.

My desktop will randomly shut down for no obvious reason at all, at any given time. Whether I'm browsing the web, gaming, or just have a word processor open it'll shut down every now and then. When it "shuts down", it turns off immediately, no shut down screen, no BSOD, nothing -- just instantly off. My computer does not boot up instantly afterwards, it just stays off until I turn it back on. I've checked the my power supply, everything is fine with it, and my temperatures are always perfectly fine. Can't seem to find an issue, and am hopefully looking for some suggestions or possible known reasons as to why this is happening.

Ports used:
1 HDMI - monitor
1 VGA - other monitor
2 USB - mouse & keyboard
1 Ethernet port

Specs just in case they're necessary:
Processor: AMD FX-4100
Ram: 8GB
GFX: AMD Radeon HD 7750

If I were to have my laptop, or my xbox plugged into that outlet, or the outlet below it, I don't have that problem so I don't think it's a household problem.

So if you plug in other electronic devices the problem goes away?


Well, if I have my desktop unplugged, but have an XBOX plugged in to the exact outlet instead, the XBOX is perfectly fine and doesn't turn off unexpectedly.


PSU: Xtremegear XG-H700
700 Watts
A UPS is probably overkill so get yourself a surge protector to plug into; laptop and xbox PSU's have decent built in surge protection.

Alternatively. If the shutdowns happen while you are afk, you will need to adjust your power saving options in your OS.

Will definitely give this a try. Any recommendations on a 500W unit from those brands?