Computer going black then crashing


Feb 20, 2014
So, these past couple of months my PC has been crashing and i have no idea why. I though about applying some thermal paste to my processor as it was going up to 90 degrees c. Although after a discussion with a friend he though that it would not be my processor and it could be my hard drive, we checked out the usage and it was going up to 100% then lowering back down. My friend said that i may need a new hard drive but i would like to make sure this is the problem first.

Details about the crash:

It only happens when i and playing games, the screen goes black and keeps repeating the last sound that the game made then the computer restarts.

These are my specs:
MSI GTX 960 2gb
AMD Athlon X4 750k Quod Core Processor (4.02 ghz)
8gb of ram
Windows 10
600w power supply
1tb hard drive
I dont know what make my power supply or my hard drive is as i got it built for me and i upgraded the gpu

To reduce the overclock you need to enter the BIOS and change settings there. Easiest way would be to...

I removed the cover from my case and the temp stayed the same, i did clean my computer the other week but i will clean it again more thoroughly. I dont understand what you mean by BIO's health screen. Thanks for the quick reply.

When browsing internet cpu is 80 degrees c. while gaming 88 - 92 sometimes can go higher.

I couldnt find the screen which you were on about, When im on there where do i go?

That is way to high just to give you an idea how it should be my cpu when browsing internet never goes above 40c and when gaming 55-57c and yours is really close to 100c and most cpu will shutdown at 100c to prevent damage


Yeah i know its really high. But is it normal for my hard drive to get to 100% usage while playing games. even doing basic things on my desktop it sometimes reaches 100%. If so then ill just clean my computer and reapply thermal paste.

Is it at 100% all the time or just sometimes? If it's only sometime can you tell me when? What you doing at that moment?
It's not normal to run at constant 100% when playing games but it is normal to run sometimes like when loading new level for example or saving game at checkpoint,....


It jumps to 100% when i open something. sometimes when I'm playing a game it will rise to 100% as well. Although it always lowers back down.
That's normal don't worry about that if you still think there something wrong you could download hdd sentinel and make sure that hdd health and performance are at 100%.....on the other hand you need to solve cpu temperature problem if you don't want it to get damaged. Clean all the dust and change thermal paste and make sure to place cpu cooler properly when you're done. If that doesn't help you will need to reduce overclock a little bit.

I plan on getting some thermal paste today but i downloaded every temp reading thing i could find core temp, speccy, aida64 and hw monitor. Im rather confused as some of them show different readings, HW monitor and speccy show exactly the same which is 70+ degrees c on idle. Core temp im not sure how to read it but the only temperature i can see reads 16 degrees c which i dont think is right at all, and then aida 64 shows 44 degrees c on idle. I really don't know why its different. Should i go with the readings of hw monitor and speccy as there the same or?

Tried reapplying thermal paste. Still crashing the temp still shows the same I'm out of ideas. How would i reduce the overclock? i didnt overclock it the person who built it for me did.

To reduce the overclock you need to enter the BIOS and change settings there. Easiest way would be to return everything on default. You can do that in bios probably by pressing F5 it will ask you to return everything at default or you can pull out the battery and that will also reset BIOS. If you are not sure how to do any off this things you can ask me or someone else for help or look on the internet. Btw which motherboard you have?