Computer hangs at what seems like at random times


Mar 31, 2015
I have this weird problem where the pc hangs randomly, it started a little over a week ago, sound is still being played but everything else is frozen. I've checked the ram with memtest, nothing came up, I've swapped out harddrives to no effect. Run some S.M.A.R.T test on my harddrives and everything.

My specs are:
OS Win 10
i5 4590K CPU
MSI z87-G45 gaming mobo.
Corsair something 2x4 gb DDR3
I can't remember what PSU But it's 750 watt.

Everything in it is just under a year old.
Hi there Takanuva200,

You can start with measuring your system's temp. IS your system overclocked?
Even though you have tested your RAM, I would advise you to run your system with only one RAM stick at a time(even changing the ports) and see whether it will hang.
I guess it will not hurt to update your GPU drivers.


Hi, I've tried swapping my ram out and in different slots, and it did nothing. My system is not overclocked, and I've looked at the temps and they are well within their range e.i. 30-50 celsius.

Well, I tried downgrading my nvidia drivers and so far, it's stable. So it might be that the drivers weren't compatible with my system.