Computer Help- GPU/PSU Upgrade on Lenovo h-50


Dec 1, 2015
Hello I have 2 questions. I have a Lenovo H50. (Still under warranty) (Link below)

I just got a r90 graphics card to find out it doesn't fit in the box, it is too long. (Note that my graphics card slot can only hold a length of up to 8 inches)
-1) Is there a possible way to make an r90 fit? as well as upgrading the PSU to 500w+

IF NOT: I am considering buying a Nvidia Ge Force GTX 960 4g SuperClocked (Link Below)

-2)If I buy the GTX 960 as well as a 430w PSU upgrade, will there be compatibility issues? I know the GTX 960 will fit, but someone told me on a forum somewhere that upgrading this unit a lot of things could go wrong. Will it be safe to make these upgrades, and will they be compatible with the Lenovo H50.

Its important to get accurate info here as I don't wanna mess up my new Lenovo, if its risky ill just leave it the way it is.


Gtx 960---

Lenovo H50---

The Lenovo H50 is a normal Desktop, so of course you can install every GPU you want that fits into the case. I don't know what a r90 GPU is, but i assume you mean something like an r9 AMD GPU. There is no chance to make a GPU smaller than the PCB, but sometimes you can swap the cooler to make the card shorter, for example by installing a waterblock on the card or an aftermarket GPU cooling solution. I think it's a lot easier and more warranty friendly to just go for the shorter card. Just make sure there is no GPU-Whitelisting in the Mainboard-BIOS. This is a case in a lot of lenovo-laptops and could be a show-stopper in their desktops as well.

The only thing that could go wrong would be the case ventilation. The H50 looks like a very...
The Lenovo H50 is a normal Desktop, so of course you can install every GPU you want that fits into the case. I don't know what a r90 GPU is, but i assume you mean something like an r9 AMD GPU. There is no chance to make a GPU smaller than the PCB, but sometimes you can swap the cooler to make the card shorter, for example by installing a waterblock on the card or an aftermarket GPU cooling solution. I think it's a lot easier and more warranty friendly to just go for the shorter card. Just make sure there is no GPU-Whitelisting in the Mainboard-BIOS. This is a case in a lot of lenovo-laptops and could be a show-stopper in their desktops as well.

The only thing that could go wrong would be the case ventilation. The H50 looks like a very closed up case and it's possible that it cannot handle a lot of heat. Never had one and so i'm not sure if that is the case, just looking at the photos. Your GTX960-GPU seems like a good choise there, because it seems like it's blower-style, so the generated heat in the case is kept to a minimum.

If you want to install a new PSU make sure the dimensions fit the case. There should be no compatibility issues with the hardware.

UPDATE: just looked up the Whitelist issues and it seems like Lenovo went mad on their desktops as well..... Some people seem to have Whitelist issues and some don't. But if you want to be sure I would just order the components and if they don't work then send them back.
Normally a mainboard allows every GPU to be installed into the PCIe Slot (electronically). But the way hardware works, is that all components register themself in the BIOS of your mainboard. Normally the BIOS allows every hardware component and all is good, but Lenovo is one of a few companies that insert whitelists in their BIOS. Meaning the BIOS checks the hardware id, and if it's not on their "Supported Hardware"-List it just don't work. It's a "nice" and easy way to make sure that you only buy lenovo certified gpus. lenovo certified wifi-cards and so on.....

considering the Lenovo h50 came with NVidia gtx 730 stock , so since the gtx 960 is same brand should it work without whitelist issues?
No, the chance that it will work is the same. The hardware ID is not dependable on the internal GPU-Chip but different for each specific model. Like i said before, just try it and send it back if it don't work.