Computer Information Systems(CIS) vs Information Mangement(CISM)


Jul 23, 2011
Hello everyone! :hello:

As an aspiring new student at college (first year) I have decided to take Computer Information Systems.

"But wait, why rule out Computer Science?!"

Throughout high school I did well in math, but I did not enjoy it. I'm not a math "enthusiast" nor would I want to take classes devoted to it. Don't get me wrong, I know that CS is a prestigious and acclaimed major, it's just not the major for me. I love the business world, I was always the hands on with people, helping, organizing, making power-points, graphs, spreadsheets all through middle and high school. I imagined myself working from home at a desk, or in a large corporation or even in a cubicle and waging a daily war with the printer and fax machine (and I was fine with it).

I come to a impasse which I thought a general discussion, and personal stories/experiences can help. I can not chose between Information Systems, and Information Systems management. I know briefly the difference between but not the major difference for an end career choices or degrees/bachelors etc etc.

If anyone can shine light on the matter for me, it would be much appreciated.

Thank you in advance!


May 3, 2012
Computer Information Systems refers to a degree which focuses on building and implementing software solutions and applications required by organizations to operate their business smoothly. These may include aspects like networking, communication, security, and database management. Information management, on the other hand, is a degree aimed at teaching students how to collect, store, and manage large amounts of data across an organization in an electronic format. Both these programs are in demand today, so do a thorough research prior to choosing a program. I searched for colleges offering these programs and came to know that College America has such programs. I also read about CollegeAmerica accreditation; so you can check out the details and find out more about their curriculum pertaining to CIS and CISM.



What this guy said. They taught me everything. Design a network, secure a network, configure the routers/ACLs/vLANS/etc, setup a server, secure a server, design a database, optimize a DB, how to write performant code to query a DB, from the data access layer of your app, write the front end of a web app, setup configure and secure a web server.

Security, security, security.

Knowing how to do each part well allows me to design entire systems.

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