C chickenman42 Commendable Dec 11, 2016 1 0 1,510 Dec 11, 2016 #1 My computer just keeps shutting off with no error screen. It idles fine. I replaced heat sink and put more fans for air flow. Need help 🙁.
My computer just keeps shutting off with no error screen. It idles fine. I replaced heat sink and put more fans for air flow. Need help 🙁.
Vic 40 Titan Ambassador Oct 22, 2013 20,976 1,024 88,990 Dec 12, 2016 #2 Probably the psu that can't supply enough power,but to be sure would full specs of the pc help.For the psu would i need maker/model/wattage. Upvote 0 Downvote
Probably the psu that can't supply enough power,but to be sure would full specs of the pc help.For the psu would i need maker/model/wattage.
ac13044 Honorable Mar 25, 2016 846 1 11,165 Dec 12, 2016 #3 yea could be the psu oreven the cpu or your gpu please state what pc specs you have Upvote 0 Downvote
Nymical Reputable Sep 20, 2015 122 0 4,760 Dec 12, 2016 #4 You need to post specs mate. When exactly it crashes, how long it goes without, context would help a lot. What kind of games? Will high-load programs also crash? Upvote 0 Downvote
You need to post specs mate. When exactly it crashes, how long it goes without, context would help a lot. What kind of games? Will high-load programs also crash?