Computer isn't as fast as before(multiple problems)


Dec 14, 2014
1. So earlier, i was playing GTA V and i usually get around 60-80 fps normally. When i got into the game, I couldn't move at all and it was 1 fps so it was unplayable. When i checked my gpu usage, it said that my gpu wasn't being used at all during that time.

2. Whenever I play for a long period of time, My computer gets slower and slower. Whenever I play the minute i start up my computer, I wouuld usually have around 200-250 fps in League of legends. Whenever i have my computer on for a long time, it would usually be 50-100 fps less.

says the motherboard is a gateway DX4870
and PSU is Antec 430w earthwatts. the psu is about 2 years old
The first thing that comes to mind when a system slows down over time and after use, but re-sets when first turned on is some sort of thermal throttling. I'd take one of the case side panels off (temporarily) and see if that helped. I would also download the free software HWMonitor and OCCT and use them to see how your temperature, CPU speed, and performance fluctuate.

i used something for my cpu called realtemp and it said my cpu would usually go max 50-60 degrees celcius.
Both my cpu and gpu would idle around 30-31 C as well.
My gpu also maxed around 60-61 degrees C and also, whenever i lag a lot, usually either my gpu won't work or its usage will spike from 100 to 0

the hottest i've ever seen my gpu go is around 77 C

the friends i know that actually have computers dont have any extra psu's
Take one out of their computer, that's what friends are for :)

There's no silver bullet here. The problem is fairly undefined and load related, so you will need to use your detective skills to isolate it, identify it and fix it.

If the computer runs better with the case open then it is likely a thermal problem.

i changed the position my tower was in because the air being blown out was going towards a wall. now when i start up my pc, it idles around 25-28 c instead of 30-35. Could the positioning be the problem of why it probably was overheating?