computer keeps cashing while running intelburntest


Mar 6, 2015
Okay all you great pc enthusiast. I have a question. I am running a amd 9370 paired with asus m5a97 with a gtx 970 gpu,16 gigs of gskill ram and a h100 cooler to try and keep it cool and a thermaltake 700 watt power supply. I run the intel burntest and about halfway thru the test it locks up. My question is cold it be the motherboard or if the case is tight fit could it be the case. because I put this same set up in my sons Antec case which is huge and it never overheated. My case is the thermaltake versa n 21 mid size tower. I had a amd 8350 on the same set up and it was stable getting a good 90 fps and now it dropped to 60 fps and locking up.
Hey just wanted to thank you again. The place I bought the board was told what chipset I was going to put in it and was given the thumbs up. I have a sabertooth 990 here so I will put that to it and let you know the outcome.
alright I put it on an ASUS sabertooth 990fx and it is stable it made it thru the standard test on intel burn test the motherboard got up to 72c. But when I ran it to check fps on valley benchmark I am lucky to get 60 fps on ultra when I had an AMD 8350 and GTX 760 I was getting 60 to 70 fps on ultra. what could be causing the poor performance
temps stay low on my cpu around 45c during intelburntest it was the motherboard that warmed up to 71c 72c during the test. The thing is when I was having stability issues I put the gpu and cpu on my sons machine and it was stable and when I ran the program Valley benchmarks it was getting alot better fps than in my machine. His motherboard was asus m5a99x with 16 gis of memory. Could it be something else that is causing this slow down. I know the 9370 was not going to make a huge difference but with that and going from a gtx 760 2 gigs vram to a gtx 970 4 gigs vram it would get a little better framerate. Please anymore advise I will give it a try.
I have a new question could it be the motherboard? Because when I started having problems I switched motherboards but kept with ASUS brand. But when I did that what do I need to do once I switch boards? I just thought it would use the same drivers and bios. And I was told that since I kept Nvidia gpu I would just stick with the same drivers as well.

You may want to reinstall the chipset drivers aswell, possible you may end up needing to do a clean install of the os as Windows doesn't take to being moved very well and it can cause performance issues.
I did the gpu driver reinstall and and worked. It was difficult because every time I uninstalled the driver a different version would take its place after restart. But perseverance and a little foul language I was able to get it done. now I am getting over 100fps and it is stable at least for now. I owe you a huge thanks. If anything ever pops up I will come here for help. Have a great day