Computer keeps crashing randomly.


Dec 11, 2012
Hello I have a computer here and i was trying to install a game on it but I kept getting these weird crashes. At one point the computer monitor went black then we re-plugged then we found out that all the desktop icons were gone and even the taskbar was gone, so we had to shut it down. After we shut it down and continued to try and install the game this is what happened.

"the instruction at 0x0000000000CD81D0 referenced memory at 0x0000000000CD81D0. The required data was not placed into memory because of I/O error status of 0xc000000e."

"the instruction at 0x61382f4b referenced memory at 0x4de58d11. the memory could not be read."

please help thank you.
No I didn't, I figured the solution, it was the hard-drive issue. So I imaged the drive and picked out the files I needed and put them to another drive and used that new drive to install win7. computer works fine.