Computer keeps crashing

Nick Blowfeld

May 9, 2014
Have a very confusing situation. I took my windows 7 desktop out of sleep mode and there was no signal to my monitor. I checked the monitor and hdmi cable, they are fine. I attached a vga cable to the motherboard's regular graphic port and it worked. However, when i got into windows it said that it wasnt a genuine copy. I thought maybe it is some kind of virus so i reinstalled windows hoping it would fix the video card, it didnt and windows would crash after ten or so minutes so it was hard to set it up. I finally got the drivers for the video card loaded but the computer didnt recognize the card. I switched the video card to the other port cause i have two on my asus motherboard. It worked, so i switched back to the hdmi cable from the video card to my monitor. I thought that everything would be fixed now, but nope. The computer keeps crashing every few minutes. sometimes doesnt make it more than 30 seconds into windows. I checked the ram and did a memtest86 and it seemed to pass. I switched the ram to the other two ram ports and still crashing. I did a test on the hard drive and it is functioning normally. Does this all add up to the motherboard failing? I think it might be shorting somewhere or something, but dont know how to find it. Could the CPU be failing. I have only had the comp for 2 years and have never had any problems. I am pretty confused, but i am pretty sure that my video card, Hard drive, and ram work. Its an i7 processor, an hd7850 video card, asus p8b75-v motherboard, and g-skill sniper ddr3 ram, 2 4g chips. If anyone has any idea why this happened, please let me know. Im stumped.
The easiest thing do do when ya get that non genuine thing is to re-activate.

It would appear your computer is having trouble finding things where it expects them

On many boards, only the first operates at x16 .... the second at x8

Check your manual and make sure the RAM is in the two slots recommended....on some Asus boards it's the 2nd and 4th from CPU. on my M6F, it's 1st and 3rd.

Open BIOS and set all to defaults (is it latest version ) ..... uninstall GFX Crad, drivers ....connect to on board GFX and reboot.... see how ya doing so far.

Then add GFX card, switch cable to card ... check again

Then add GFX drivers....check again

Add any other customizations you had made
windows it said that it wasnt a genuine copy----- mine did this with a copy of vista that was ''genuine'' for 3 years and so did my buddies he did like you and did not resolve--- I just did a back up and restore in windows and it fixed it with no issues ran fine just like it has been .. and never did that not genuine thing ever again..

I don't know really what to tell you on this now but then I don't put anything past Microsoft there wanting to sell there product and won't put it past them to randomly spike computers to get folks thinking they need ''new'' all computers with there software is on there file and if its not there hot new 8 then your in the world wide lottery.. I also bet a friend that if I called there support with a ? and they asked for the key and checked it they would say that its not a valid key and not genuine .. so well that's what happened and the best part was the disk was bought from Microsoft store..

I wish I couold of told you to try the backup/restore thing before you did all this sorry

Oh, i did try a system restore, didnt fix anything. The confusing thing for me is how the video card crapped out and windows stopped being genuine at the same time.....weird.
Yes, I know. I have had it tell me it wasn't genuine..... it was 'confused". So I just ran activation and it said "Oh my bad" and we lived happily ever after :)

If you have a receipt for the product, MS should not give you a problem. Be aware that if it is the OEM version, then you are not entitled to tech support, but you are entitled to product suppoort if it won't activate.

However, if you moved the OS from one PC to another w/ new hardware, then it will not activate. Only retail OS's are legally allowed to be used on a 2nd box.....after removing from 1st box of course.

The non genuine thing isnt the issue anymore, cause i did a full re-install, its just part of the mystery. The problem is my computer crashing every few minutes.

Did that, still crashed. So that means its not the video card, right?
ya I would think if the onboard crashes just like the card then yes {??} the main 2 things windows looks at is motherboard and hard drive for activation but as you said it still don't work after a fresh install [ I guess this is a retail copy and not a oem windows for the genuine part} but if that's now not the issue then I would think that something may of happened on the board to cause this and screwed with the whatever windows looks at to cause the first issue and now that part whatever it may be is now just bad and is just failing..

now its hard to say what?? your psu, chip, the chipset, memory , memory slot, bad cap, or just something starts to heat up and shorts out or just fails .. theres a lot to look at there . to me and I may be wrong if it comes down to were you have to start buying stuff to try to fix it you may just look at a new build ... your in a tough spot with out backup parts to try.