Hi guys. I'm running Windows 8.1 and have been having some problems lately with my computer. Here are my specs: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/bXkHrH (plus an Nvidia GTX 570) So lately my computer has becoming really loud, even after I clean it the fans seem like they're working on overtime. I was playing a video game with my friends (world of warcraft, not very intensive) and after a few hours the fans in my computer would suddenly become extremely loud and then the whole thing would shut down. I booted my comp. and I was stuck on the bios. My keyboard would not work when I tried to press any of the keys. I fixed it by letting it cool and turning it on later. Fastforward a week and the same thing happens again. This time, my computer is being a lot more stubborn to make it past the bios screen. Since none of the keys are working I try plugging my keyboard into several different USB slots in the back of my computer. I reset my computer, plug it in a slot andddd......nothing. I finally plugged it into a 3.0 slot and all of a sudden my computer went past the BIOS screen and they keys on my keyboard lit up again. So my question is, what is causing this? I plan on upgrading my computer soon so I am really keen to know what specific computer part is causing this problem? I think it might be a CPU problem, overheating or something like that. Here's a look at my temperatures (http://i.imgur.com/Hitsrjo.png) they seem pretty normal to me too. Now it's at the point where anytime I run a game longer than 30 minutes, my computer will freak out, the fans go on full blast for a few seconds and then the whole thing shuts off. Any help would be greatly appreciated guys. I'm feeling like an overworked college student right now, so I might have missed something stupid. Thanks so much and thanks for taking the time to read this!