Question Computer keeps restarting at random.

Jul 13, 2019
Windows 10 64
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5.7600 CPU @ 3.50GHz
Geforce GTX 1060 6GB

Some time ago i took my PC over to a friend to play some games, when i was done i took my computer in the car and droved home carefully, but when i got home i pluged it in i got this message.

But the problem is i don't think my computer have RAID mode I have tried both options but nothing helps

I can still use my computer but it just restart at a random time and give that damn message, sometimes it just turns on by itself.
Download HWMonitor and make sure you can see the section for +12v (and also preferably all of the other PSU volts, such as +5v). This should be very close to what it should be, if 12v is only at 5v you have problems. With HWMonitor open, launch a game. Set it to windowed mode, and lower the resolution so that you can see HWMonitor. Do the voltages remain what they should be?
Download HWMonitor and make sure you can see the section for +12v (and also preferably all of the other PSU volts, such as +5v). This should be very close to what it should be, if 12v is only at 5v you have problems. With HWMonitor open, launch a game. Set it to windowed mode, and lower the resolution so that you can see HWMonitor. Do the voltages remain what they should be?

PS i have also tried to run my computer in safe mode with internet but same problem, dont know if that helps.
I started up league of legends but i think it looks right?
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