Hi, i am new here and was told this was a good site to find some help. Well I have, like a lot of pc gamers, been buying a lot of games in the steam summer sale. I have tried to play these games but every time I launch one of them up, it runs fine for a good 5-10 minutes but then all of a sudden my whole entire computer turns off then immediately turns on, like it was restarted or something. Now this doesn't happen for all of the games i have, games like League of Legends or Counter-Strike i have no problem with, but most recent games like Civ 5 or Assassins creed, i get into the game for about 5-10 mins and it just shuts off. I have run an anti-virus software and nothing has come up, have cleared out malware and still i have no idea. I am running a quad core and all the temperatures on the cores are just fine, hovering around 30-40 degrees. Any help is appreciated, thanks.