Computer Kept Crashing and Monitor Blacking Out, Now PC Won't Boot


Sep 11, 2018
3 days ago for no reason as I didn't do anything to my PC at all I started having random freezes in any game I played (tested with three games of varying graphics card intensity) which immediately followed with my my monitor not detecting a source and going black. This force me to manually shut down my computer by holding down the power button after every game crash. This happened over 7 times in the past 3 days ranging from 15 minutes into my gaming session from 2 hours into my gaming session. This never happened when I wasn't playing a game (I could watch YouTube for hours with no problem). Many people thought it was my video card driver and recommended I do a fresh install with a driver remover and safe mode on which I did today. This sadly did not solve the problem. Today after another game crash and another manual shut down my computer now displays this message when I boot it: I am lost and truly don't know what to do anymore and any help is enormously appreciated. If I don't find a solution here my next step is going to a tech repair shop and god knows if they'll even do anything.

Side Note: many people also stated that my graphics card or CPU might be overheating however this isn't the case as I have a graphics card and CPU temperature monitor and the temperatures never reached over 80 degrees Celsius while I was playing any of the games or during any of the crashes.

GTX 980ti
Intel i7-4790k
16 g RAM
Win 10
MB: 279-MS MSI Z97s Sli Krait Edition
PS: EVGA 600 Watts

This may seem silly, but its practical to start with easiest solutions first. Is it your HDMI/DVI port not completely plugged in? Make sure both sides ( from gpu to monitor and from monitor to gpu ) have a firm, level connection in their respective ports. If these aren't snug, it can cause little bouts of completely random video instability. Assuming that you've checked that and all is well.

Here is some solution you can try regarding that BSOD error code:

If this is too confusing, I suggest you try and do a System Restore. Here's your guide to getting to the Advanced Startup Options.
ASO Guide


Trust me I checked the DVI port like 7 times to make sure it was secure but no effect. I'll try to fix the error first