Computer lagging while gaming


Apr 22, 2015
My Computer is lagging when I am playing video games and i need some advice on how to fix it, any help? The specs of my computer and much higher than what the games require so im not sure what to do. Please help 🙁
well, since you already mentioned it, you should've gave your specs for us to give you a better answer.

anyway, first off, if you are below system requirements, then lag is expected.
what games are you playing? specs?

if the game is too heavy for your pc then nothing you can do short of upgrading your pc

Thanks for replying and I dont know if im replying correctly, but i mistyped when i said "and much higher", I meant to say my specs are much higher.

My laptop has
i7 processor
8gb ram
and NVIDIA GeForce GTX 860M graphics card.
Im not to familiar with this kinda stuff so if i left out anything please let me know thanks!