Computer (laptop, connected to larger screen) running slow. Used Spybot a few days ago. Found usual adware and cleaned it. Sti

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Feb 24, 2015
Looking for solution as to why there is no picture and the computer (laptop, connected to larger screen) is not booting up. Checked connection to large screen. Connection fine. Tried four hard boots, a few hours apart. Only fan apparently working. No access to bios. Computer was sluggish prior for a few days. Ran ESET overnight, and in morning, a black screen. Any thoughts?

Try removing the battery, unplugging the AC cable and pressing the power button for about sixty seconds. Put it all back and try again.

If no luck, try removing the RAM and cleaning the "teeth" with isopropyl alchohol and reinstalling. Try removing the hard drive and see if you can then access the BIOS.

Does this unit have graphics that are integrated with the CPU or does it have a dedicated graphics card installed?

Has anything on the unit been upgraded or changed lately? Any other warning signs? Have you tried it with the external display disconnected or does it only work with the external display and if so, why?
Thanks, darkbreeze. Not home right now, but will try your ideas when possible. Appreciate your input.thoughts. In answer to your question, laptop screen works, but was damaged, hence the external screen.
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