Computer lights turn on for split secound (fans do not)


Dec 15, 2017
I recently bought a new gpu mother board,cpu and ram. After about 2-4 weeks of installing the components I came back to my pc being off and not turning on, after I disconnected that power cord and powered the pc up the lights would flash and fans would be stationary
Msi GeForce gtx 1060 OC
(Ram) Crucial CT8G4DFS8213
Intel - Core i5-7500 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor
Gigabyte - GA-H270-HD3 ATX LGA115
Antec HCU M 620w

The power supply is probably around 3-4 years old and I believe the Hard drive is also dying, I’m getting an SSD soon so i will be able to test the HArd drive. I don’t have a working psu to swap with my current one

Edit: power supply fans turn on for the split secound


Dec 15, 2017
Also most parts besides psu and hardriver are under a month old the pc had been working fine although the dieing hard drive slowed pc down, the computer had been running for a few hours and I had to do something and left it on I came back to it shutdown and not turning on, the lights only come one once I unplug cord and plug it back in, after clicking power button once and lights come on for the split secound clicking power button and holding it on does nothing


One of the common problems when building a new PC is not having the Stand-offs placed properly under the mobo. This MIGHT also be the situation when you replace the mobo. So, check this.

Inspect carefully where the stand-offs are located. You MAY have to remove the mobo from the case to see this. Stand-offs look like little metal rods about ¼" long, with a threaded hole in the top and a threaded shaft stocking out of the bottom. They are used as support spacers to hold the mobo up off the back mounting panel of your case. In order to accommodate several possible mobo configurations, the back mounting panel has many threaded holes in it for screwing in the stand-offs at the right places.

The rules are these:
1. There must NEVER be a stand-off under the mobo where there is not a mounting hole in the mobo. Most common mobos have nine mounting holes in three rows of three (some are different). Each is a hole through the board with little metal "fingers" like a star around them. The design is that the mobo should be grounded to the case through those fingers, and NOWHERE ELSE.
2. Ideally, there will be one stand-off under each mounting hole so that the mobo gets maximum support at those points.

I have seen a few cases that included one special type of metal stand-off with an insulating rubber hump on its top, rather than a threaded hole. This is intended to be used for mechanical support where there is NO matching mobo mounting hole, and the insulating head prevents shorting out the mobo at that point.

Verify that your stand-offs are located correctly so that they cannot short out traces on the bottom of the mobo.


Dec 15, 2017
Hey I’ve tried both of your suggestions firstly the resetting of cmos and running with cpu and fan only it was just dead and nothing happened, second suggestion I checked the stand offs and hey seemed fine they matched up with the star/ highlited holes in mobo only thing is that one if he holes for mobo does not have a stand off under it due to he case not having one, I got a local pc place to test the psu and it was fine. Is it almost confirmed that the mobo is at fault/dead