Computer looks like it's in safe mode, but it isn't.


Jun 15, 2014
So I was trying to install a new game driver on my computer through the GeForce Experience, which now seems to have been a terrible idea.

The drives would not install correctly with a message saying "Install cannot continue." I decided to click the "Try again" button which turned my screen black and the "HDMI signal lost" screen hit me. After that, I just turned my computer off and restarted it.(now I'm guessing that my drivers were still installing when I shut it off.) Everything seemed fine and then the "preparing your desktop" warning came up and I was then booted to my profile that looked like safe mode (black screen/wallpaper, recycle bin icon only, and Windows 98 task bar) I don't want to touch anything and screw it up since I don't know what I'm doing. I'm assuming I should just go and manually install my graphics card driver? Help?

I'm also sorry if I posted this in the wrong category, don't really know where to post it.

Simply go to back up and restore of windows 7, and select the restore point created before the new video driver you tried to install.

That will repair everything and your system will be back to the way it was before you attempted to install the driver.

After the system restore is complete and the system restarts.

Right, so here's the last back up was exactly when I made my build. So it would basically be like uninstalling and reinstalling windows again. I would lose all my files and programs which I would like to avoid as much as possible. If my situation is really that severe, then I'll do it, but I feel like there's something I can do to avoid that.
Thanks guys but after a simple turn off and on again, my profile seems like it's back to normal. If anything happens when tomorrow morning, I'll try what BadActor stated. Thanks again.