Question Computer loses power after 30 minutes upon 1st start up

Sep 20, 2023

New here and really hope someone can help. I will start with a brief account of the history of the computer as may help. So I purchased a computer off my friend. Of which was working fine.

Corsair Base unit + fans and CPU copper mounted cooler
AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-core
32gb RAM
Asrock B450 Pro 4 R2.0
Corsair 1050w power supply

Upon receiving this as was shipped to me. I had installed brand new components which were

G-force RTX 3060
M.2 Corsair SSD

This got it to switch on, initially there was absolutely no power to the USB ports so was unable to even get into the BIOS. After few days of scratching my head, I figured motherboard must be faulty. So I purchased new identical motherboard, and then it worked fine with no problems. This was about 3 months ago.

When using the computer or even when it's just sat doing nothing on windows, approx 30-60 minutes it would just completely power off with no warning. Like instantly.

I've found that upon starting computer up, after approx 30-60 minutes, it powers off. Then, which this bit is important, it won't allow me to turn it back on for at least 5 minutes, I also have to physically turn the power supply off, else it won't turn on, even after the 5 minutes. It's as though some kind thermal switch hasn't reset or something yet no signs of overheating, as explained in next part. After I get it to switch back on, the computer will remain on for much longer, many hours and I haven't experienced it power off for a second time. With this in mind, when I shut down computer, I have have turned off the power supply, but the next day or sometimes the day after the problem happens within 30-60 minutes again. Perhaps it's still random but is what I've noticed.

Things I've already tried:-

Swapped the RAM around, using 2 out of the 4 and then just the other 2.

Fresh thermal paste on CPU

Preformed successful RAM check

I use 2 monitors, problem happens even when both are turned off.

All drivers upto date.

Used direct to the wall socket, as was initially plugged into UPS. Still happens.

Installed HWiNFO64 to monitor temps, all look fine, and doesn't over heat. Base unit is well ventilated and problem still occurs even when running at minimum requirements.

In the Event Viewer last warning I always get is an Event ID 10016 distributedcom error of which have done a couple of trouble shooting methods I found online where I've added full user permissions and another where I've deleted a couple from component services. Still the same problem.

Disabled the C-State in bios. Thought this solved it as stayed switched on longer than usual, but problem still happens

Tried different power leads

Opened up the power supply and gave it a good clean.

All fans are clean and operating correctly

I am at a brick wall and I'm hoping that someone has had a similar experience that they can help shed some light on this.

Many thanks for taking the time to read.


Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

Corsair 1050w power supply
Can you pass on a link to this unit? How old is the PSU?

G-force RTX 3060
What did you have prior to the RTX3060?

What BIOS version are you working with on your motherboard?
Sep 20, 2023

Thanks for replying, sorry took me so long getting back I didnt realise anyone replied.

The power supply is Corsair XFX XTR 1050W Black Edition. It looks like a few years old, around 5 I would say.

Bios version is B450 Pro4 R2.0 PS30

I am unsure what graphics card was in before.

Is there a way to test the power supply? The fans spin at the very least and it doesn't appear to overheat

Sep 20, 2023
When i first got it, It was a fresh install of windows, it was brand new M.2 Corsair SSD, the motherboard was brand new and so was graphics card. The switching off problem happened within days of doing this. At some point I think I will have no choice but to try this though
Sep 20, 2023
The warranty is 5 years, so I wouldn't put it past the PSU to have some semblance of issues since that's how long the manufacturer "guarantees" the thing would work.
Will prob do a reinstall as other guy mentioned before I do. If it still occurs, getting new psu is looking like the best option after


When i first got it, It was a fresh install of windows, it was brand new M.2 Corsair SSD, the motherboard was brand new and so was graphics card. The switching off problem happened within days of doing this. At some point I think I will have no choice but to try this though
With any used system I would do a full wipe and reinstall.
Even if the seller said "I just did that 5 minutes ago."

You don't know the options he selected, nor his source for the OS install.