Computer Not Booting After "bootmgr is missing" Error


Jan 15, 2016
Woke up, turned on my computer, and noticed a black screen with white text stating, "bootmgr is missing, restart computer." (or something along the lines of that)

I restarted my computer and after doing so, my peripherals and my monitor stopped responding to my computer, yet my fans and motherboard light were active. What is going on? Keep in mind I cannot access the BIOS because of the peripherals and monitor not responding.
Try and remove the CMOS battery for 5 minutes before replacing. Make sure your system is unplugged from the wall before you remove CMOS battery. After that see if you can get into BIOS. Can you please state your full systems specs inclusive of OS and your peripherals? If you're on Windows 10 it'd be a good idea to have that bootable USB installer handy.
Try and remove the CMOS battery for 5 minutes before replacing. Make sure your system is unplugged from the wall before you remove CMOS battery. After that see if you can get into BIOS. Can you please state your full systems specs inclusive of OS and your peripherals? If you're on Windows 10 it'd be a good idea to have that bootable USB installer handy.