I have a mother board Gigabyte z77x d3h. The graphics card was Gigabyte gv-n580ud-15i. Both around 10 years old, always worked well. Today when the graphics card was working suddenly the computer restarted. First time this happened. Since then the images are very blurry, with huge icons. I have restarted the computer many times, safe mode, normal mode, and I have restored system to a previous date. At some point, after removing the graphics card, putting it back, and restarting the system, I managed to see good graphics again. But windows asked for a restart, and after restarting the problems was back.
The mother board comes with integrated graphics but quality is really bad.
I guess the graphics card has suffered some damage?
I tried using another graphics card I have: Asus GTX750TI. But for some reason windows doesn't initiate. When it is in the mother board I get a black screen
I found this:
with this comment:
"Check to see if the GTX750Ti card you purchased uses a UEFI bios. I discovered this caused a conflict at boot with the Gigabyte GA-Z77-DS3H UEFI bios and an EVGA 750Ti card. If this is the case, you may have to try flashing your motherboard bios to a newer version. You might also check to see if your onboard video was enabled. If that was the case, you case use it to enter bios and change to PCIE card and then reboot and hook your monitor to the new card. "
How can I check if "my onboard video is enabled" (what is my onboard video?).
Do you think I will have to update the bios? Never did it before, do I have to click "Q-Flash" in the bios?
I have a mother board Gigabyte z77x d3h. The graphics card was Gigabyte gv-n580ud-15i. Both around 10 years old, always worked well. Today when the graphics card was working suddenly the computer restarted. First time this happened. Since then the images are very blurry, with huge icons. I have restarted the computer many times, safe mode, normal mode, and I have restored system to a previous date. At some point, after removing the graphics card, putting it back, and restarting the system, I managed to see good graphics again. But windows asked for a restart, and after restarting the problems was back.
The mother board comes with integrated graphics but quality is really bad.
I guess the graphics card has suffered some damage?
I tried using another graphics card I have: Asus GTX750TI. But for some reason windows doesn't initiate. When it is in the mother board I get a black screen
I found this:
Will a geforce gtx 750ti work on a ga-z77-d3h motherboard
I was looking at a geforce gtx 750ti video card, and I was wondering if it will work on my ga-z77-d3h motherboard? By the way I have a power supply PSU of 500W
with this comment:
"Check to see if the GTX750Ti card you purchased uses a UEFI bios. I discovered this caused a conflict at boot with the Gigabyte GA-Z77-DS3H UEFI bios and an EVGA 750Ti card. If this is the case, you may have to try flashing your motherboard bios to a newer version. You might also check to see if your onboard video was enabled. If that was the case, you case use it to enter bios and change to PCIE card and then reboot and hook your monitor to the new card. "
How can I check if "my onboard video is enabled" (what is my onboard video?).
Do you think I will have to update the bios? Never did it before, do I have to click "Q-Flash" in the bios?