Computer only sleeps one time after startup


Nov 28, 2012

So I have a desktop that I built myself and have been running windows 7 for a while with no problems and upgraded to windows 8.1. So far the only problem I have had was that when I try to use the physical power button to sleep my computer, it will only sleep once (for example: start computer up -> use it -> sleep it with power button -> wake it -> try to sleep with power button but doesn't work). So far I have tried:

Changing bios settings
Disabling fast startup
Running powercfg.exe
A few other things but I forget

Oddly, when i uninstall ACPI Fixed Feature Button from device manager, it will sleep that time. However, as soon as I wake from sleep the problem persists.

If you guys have any ideas or know more about the problem that'd be great.


other than the beta versions, I have the latest. The descriptions of the beta versions are fixes for other issues anyways