computer over heating?


Mar 1, 2015
Hi i have my computer on for 8 hours a day atleast and then run cs go and my computer shuts off i dont know if its over heating or what specs graphics card radeon r7 260x processor: amd fx 4300 quad core ram:8 gbs 64 bit os also my mother board is whats very warm when it shuts off
There are a couple of things you may want to check.
1. Air flow of your case. Blow out any dust you find in fans with a can of air.
2. You may need to re-apply thermal compound to the CPU because there either may be too much or there could be an air gap that creates a lot of heat. When you do this, make sure to put only a pea-sized dot in the center. (ALSO) Before doing any of that clean off both surfaces (CPU and heat sink) with rubbing alcohol.