Computer over heating!


Jan 10, 2014
The issue; I turn on my computer and at idle it hits 80-90C. Reaching over to touch my tower and on the outside where the heat sink would be is really hot.

Known things that aren't wrong; thermal paste is brand new. Dust free.

Possible issues; not enough cooling (only two fans), weak generic PSU, or the CPU itself.

I'm at work now so can do no more testing. Right before I left it shut down due to heat and wouldn't boot past the Windows splash screen. What could it be or what should I do?

Thank you!
FX 8320 with stock cooler is not good at all, go for a Cooler Master Hyper 212 Evo/X at first place, this will surely deal with overheating.
However, you should measure the width of your case to make sure the cooler will fit as its ~160mm high.

P.S: Look forward to buy a new PSU, the manufacturer and model of that PSU that comes with the PC is not even stated in the specifications.

CPU Cooler:
If you are able to boot it after it cools down for a while try looking in task manager and see if their are any programs with misspelled names or if their are any weird program icons in the bottom right corner if so it could be a virus throttling your computer, and if that is the case I would recommend wiping your hard drive and starting over or just getting an antivirus program.
Or it could be the simple fact that your airflow is being compressed in the middle of the case try taking your fans out and seeing which direction they are blowing by putting your hand up to it make sure that you have one intake fan and one outtake fan or else your compressing hot air in that case.
Having a pre-built system means it surely has a cheap PSU that most likely comes with the case itself.
What's your PSU, CPU and motherboard?
I couldn't boot into windows with my FX-4300 and the stock cooler that came with it due to overheating, so I had to buy an aftermarket one.
FX 8320 with stock cooler is not good at all, go for a Cooler Master Hyper 212 Evo/X at first place, this will surely deal with overheating.
However, you should measure the width of your case to make sure the cooler will fit as its ~160mm high.

P.S: Look forward to buy a new PSU, the manufacturer and model of that PSU that comes with the PC is not even stated in the specifications.

CPU Cooler: