[SOLVED] Computer processes all slow down except for focused game while multitasking


Dec 29, 2014
I recently upgraded almost all of my computer parts, and it seems I've run into a strange issue. Even with the improved performance in gaming, programs like Discord and Chrome seem to slow down while I have a game focused and running. I assume it's an issue with a game demanding full attention while trying to do both, but either way it's nothing I came across while using my old computer.

GTX 1060 6GB
16GB TridentZ DDR4 Ram
Windows 10 Home

This happened usually because of high disk usage .. but OS can be a reason too.
What kind of a HDD usage you get when you doing both task?
What was the OS used in your old machine?

According to my knowledge there's no such functions written to focus on DirectX applications over normal ones even in 8gen Chips... But there are some application to do that.... simply boosters.


It's a windows function,the focused window (game or app) always runs at a higher priority so it get's more attention than the rest.
For this to influence background behavior on a 12 thread CPU though...it has to be one badly coded game.
If it happens with all games then there is definitely something fishy going on.

It seems to be most games as far as I can tell; I tried The Division which I know had problems on my old CPU, as well as The Sims 4 which had no issues on my old CPU, and both games gave me this problem.

Are they steam games or genuine copies?


Yes, they're all genuine copies of the games.

Ok then
Still you haven't mentioned about your HDD usage while experiencing this?
How many HDDs/SDDs
Which one use to store games and which one ruining the OS.
I want to know these facts.

I need a full description about your hardware this one and old one as well.
And kind enough to state the OS you have used there and sources.
