Computer randomly change colors than lock's up more so when playing games.


Dec 17, 2014
Hi, i have searched everywhere & i haven't found anyone that had a problem like mine. I built my computer 3 years ago & i never had a problem into this year. My computer randomly lock's up with different colors no bsod just lock's up & i have to reset. I did the memtest & all the other test that people have tried as well as did a fresh restart * virus scan with damn near everything that scans virus's. I don't know any advanced things about computers only basic things. I have noticed that my onboard gpu intel(R) HD 4000 works fine with no problems but as soon as put my geforce gtx 660 card in it starts randomly locking up with different color screens or flicker's off & on. I just got a new geforce 660 card & it still does it but only when that card is in not with my onboard one. I don't have another card to try so please help. Oh & it works fine in safe mode with my 660 just not in normal mode.

My specs are
geforce gtx 660
intel core i5-3570k
corsair cx 600
ASRock Z77 Extreme4
my onboard gpu is intel(R) HD 4000 if you need anything else please let me know
-Disable your onboard video in the bios. It should have instructions on how to do so in your motherboard manual.
-Make sure your monitor is plugged into the GTX660
-Download display driver uninstaller
-Reboot into Safe Mode, run display driver uninstaller
-Then reinstall the nVidia Geforce drivers when your back in windows standard mode

Report back at let us know if the issue is resolved.
I did what you said & it locked up again with a pure black screen this time. I restarted & after the window's loading screen the screen went pure white so i restarted again & got into my desktop but problem is still there. I did notice something though when my computer lock's up when the red light on my pc stop's. I don't know if that's normal or not so i figured i'll mention it.
I finally have it working. I connected the hdmi cord to my motherboard & made my motherboard gpu the primary one. Now my desktop work's with no problem's & i'm able to use both gpu's. I don't know how that happened or why it worked but so far so good. I will post again if anything changes Thank you for your help.