computer reboots on its own?!

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ok guys here's my dilema. i recently installed a new amd k6-2 550mhz chip into my motherboard which took the place of my old 300mhz amd k6-2 chip. ever since then it seems like my computer has a mind of its own... i'll go to load a program and all of a sudden my computer completely resets, as if someone hit my reset button. (ironically my reset button is disconnected). Now i have no idea whether this problem has anything to do with my new cpu or not, but i am running windows 98 =) so i'm going to blame microsoft. but can anyone give my an idea as to why i'm having this god forsaken problem? thanks!


Sounds to me you need to get over to the Manufacturer of your motherboard and get the latest motherboard drivers. The only thing I can think of for your operating system to reboot you is a Critical clash of drivers. I have that problem with my video card drivers and motherboard under win2k. Every time I start a 3D intensive game like Delta Force Land Warrior with my Viper II instant reboot. So I don't believe it has to do with your reset button. Although you may want to check the motherboard to see if any metal is touching where it doesn't belong. Even if something crosses the 2 pins for your reset button it will reboot. Or static bleed off from one pin to the other can be caused by dust. Possible. Make sure you have the latest and greatest drivers for your motherboard. Become intimate with the motherboard details ie.. Chipsets. Hope that helps ya. Good Luck.

Ive had that happen before too, and its very annoying, escecially if you are online, Mine was software based, I reloaded Win98 and it solved the problem.

I used to be indecisive, now Im not so sure
I had a similar problem with an epox kx133 mobo and a geforce256 card. Update all your drivers, especially the mobo and graphics card, open up your case and make sure all your case face plugs are in the right place (you might have bent one or knocked one out of the right place during the upgrade, and mebbe clean the case of dust, make sure the fan is working. Excessive heat could cause the system to do weird things. and reinstalling windows couldnt hurt either. check w/ the mobo maker to make sure that everything is compatible w/ everything else. I know I had to actually send back my epox mobo because after two months of waiting, they just couldnt figure it out.

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