Computer reboots within seconds of startup


Dec 4, 2014
I have reseated everything in the case checked for shorts(none visible), performed a memtest on the RAM using roommates computer and reapplied thermal paste. The computer does not run long enough to provide any error beeps but removing the CMOS battery seems to temporarily fix the problem but the next time I reboot the computer I have to remove the CMOS battery again. Mobo, CPU, and SSD are new so everything is factory and have not even been able to get Windows installed yet.

Motherboard - ASUS sabertooth z97
CPU - Intel I7 4790k
GPU - Nvidia GTX 690
SSD - Samsung 840 evo
PSU - OCZ fatality 750w
Try a different PSU, It could be the PSU causing the issues. It could be the MOBO as well. So if i had to RMA i would do the MB and the PSU(Id just get a new PSU).

I have another psu in the house with slightly less wattage, I will give that one a shot and see if there is any change

Well, let me ask you. Does the PC get to the windows screen then shuts off? and can you run fine in safe mode? I would test the GPU.

Same result with the new PSU and tried with and without the GPU, it does not get anywhere within 2 seconds of booting it reboots. If I remove the CMOS battery I can get to BIOS but because of the shutdown problem I have not been able to get windows installed yet

Okay, I would maybe try to see if its the SSD as well... So at this point its the MB(Starting to think it really is) or the SSD. and did you test the GPU in another computer? I would do that.

Tried with my old HDD and same problem, currently I do not have the GPU in at all trying with 1 drive the RAM and CPU. Why would removing the CMOS battery work on the next startup but not the one after that?

Alright I will see about getting it RMA'd thanks for your help
Just to update this as solved, I took the computer into Microcenter to have a full diagnostic done just to be sure and it turns out the inner two RAM slots were defective so it would fail to post if there was anything places in those slots