Computer restarting at random moments for no reason


Feb 13, 2018
Hello everyone, so few weeks ago, my pc rebooted for no reason when i was gaming. Now it does 1-4 times per day, some days it just skips, and doesn't do that. It only does that, when im gaming, what could it be? Temperatures are normal everywhere.
You might want to run a few tests on:
- RAM ( You can run a RAM test from -> Control Panel -> System and Security > Administrative Tools > Windows Memory Diagnostic )
- GPU ( Make sure the GPU is not overheating, make sure it is fully connected to the PCI-E Bus )
- HDD/SSDs ( You can run HDD test by opening the Start Menu and typing, "cmd", right click and run as Administrator, then type, "chkdsk /f" )
- Check for malware/viruses ( There are various programs online to do this, I prefer to use Malwarebytes )

Make sure all of those tests have passed, if all pass just fine, it could be that your registry is messed up and you need a new install of the OS.

Gonna try this, thanks.

My psu is not good, but why did it start only few weeks ago? I have this psu for very long time


Gpu: geforce 740gt
Cpu: intel Pentium g3220
Ram: hyperx savage 2x4gb
Dont know other components atm, cause now im not home

Thats the thing, but my psu is VERY old, didn't change it for like 3-4 years. I had Windows updates turned off since last year, and now i turned them off, maybe not updating system causes the problem


don't know what psu it is, it was change 2 years ago.