Computer restarts in intensive games.


Dec 6, 2017
Hi, so my computer keeps restarting when ever i play World of Warcraft in a 20man raid, and we engage the boss.
It seems like it only restarts when i increase my graphics or a lot is going on.
I've bought a new HDD.
Ive cleaned the computer thorougly with rubbing alcohol.
I've reapplied thermal paste to the CPU.
I've double checked if any physical wires aren't attached properly.
I've done everything i could in the situation to "cure" my PC. Although i suspect it might be the PSU.
Can anyone help me with an answer to this problem? Before I go invest in a new PSU? The computer basically goes completely black for 1-2 seconds, then proceeds to reboot, when it happens. And yes, completely black, as in even the GPU light is off.

also check temps while benchmarking. If it will hit 90+ then it might be brutal thermal shutdown (should be beeping or throttle down instead).
but my bets are on to weak PSU or damaged in transport.


Could you list your specs like so please:
-Cooler & temps

Most likely PSU is kicking out due to it being a low tier one or your reaching your max wattage.
It could also maybe me a memory issue.


Hi my specs are as follows:

- Intel Core i5-4670k CPU @ 3.40Ghz
- I have a fan which is about just a little bigger than the chip, which ive applied with thermal paste, which has 11W/mk thermal conductivity.

- NVIDIA Geforce GTX 970
- Kingston Hyperx Savage 8GB (i have 2 of these in)
- Corsair VS 550
- Windows 10 (just updated).

UPDATE: So i went on the internet to get some more answers, and I found the even viewer in my administration tools. And it says that the critical errors it has notified, was as follows:
Event type: Critical, Event ID: 41, Source: Kernel-Power, Log: System.

I'll add some pictures of some benchmarks I did, hopefully that'll help too.

4th gen and earlier do.
I had an i7 3770k with a stock cooler. They suck but they do come with the chip.

Based on the age of the system, the quality of the PSU, and the error message, I would put my money on the PSU for sure.

You can take it to a computer repair shop and get it tested, or you can get a tester yourself, they are about $20 give or take 5.