Computer restriction software


Dec 16, 2008
I have a specific problem I need to find solution to.

My client asked me if it's possible to lock down computer the way that user can see and use only one web site. Let's say a computer inside store that can show a website of this specific store and can't do anything else. No other web site or access any computer settings without appropriate password. I see exactly what I need in Best Buy, they have computer that already have showing and there is nothing else you can do, there is not even a web URL you can enter plane site and nothing else. Well you get an idea. If possible let me know if there is a program I can buy that will allow me to customize Windows like that.

Thanks !

If your talking about a windows 7 computer then you could lock down a single user account with Local group policies.

Use the local group policies to remove access to al the relevant areas of the os including Run, Explorer, command prompt, local drives, etc.

As for the web site you can limit that by Local group policy for a single user simply by setting up your connections setting to use a proxy of the local host (, untick bypass for local adresses and add a exception for the website(s) you wish to alow the user to view. EG

Not sure if there is a peace of software to do this for you but Local GPO will do it all for free if you have the time to do it.