Computer shuts down randomly


Feb 23, 2016
Hey community it'd be great if someone could help me with this because it's painful when your pc shuts down in the middle of a 40 mans raid in WoW x.x

So my pc randomly shuts off and reboots, and something quite odd happens at the same time that I hope could be useful information to anyone reading this, my headset and mouse, USB shut off and dont work after it randomly shuts off, and if I reboot it myself those peripherals work again. Also I was hoping it was my drivers because I recently wiped my hardrive and I have to resinstall my drivers with msi live update. Which Im doing, but does not seem to solve the problem.

Thanks for reading
What other things do you have on the same power circuit? That may be the issue. Maybe something like a microwave or something that pulls a lot of power. If you do have a power hungry device on the same circuit it can be momentarily pulling the power down long enough to cause it to spike when it unloads some. That would cause your psu to go into a protection mode to save your computer. It's been a while since i have seen something like that but is more than possible. Is there a way to move the computer to another circuit? If you can try that. Unstable power is sounding like what it is.

Its my mouse and headset, no when I replug them even 10x over it does not work, even switch usb slots. until i manually reboot it myself then it works.

I did all the tests that were given as an option, nothing happened said I passed

: o

Alright sure thanks. Ill try that, im assuming you're suggesting that i stress test and figure out what pc part is the issue then figure it out from there? right?

I think it is the power supply. sounds like the 5v rail failing. That would explain your usb ports shutting off. Run a stress test on the graphics card and see if it is the culprit. You already stressed the cpu and it passed so you will have to put more load on the psu with the gpu. If that passes then you can rule out the psu and gpu.

Im doing what both of you said

Thanks, Ill try that

Okay well cpu psu and gpu are ruled out lol

I even did fur mark
37246 frames, 41 FPS, 77°C
No crash. I havent crashed in hours since i posted but Im still feeling that it's gonna happen again.

BTW my pc crashes on idle, like nothing open except a couple programs, like chrome and skype. Its not only when Im gaming.
What other things do you have on the same power circuit? That may be the issue. Maybe something like a microwave or something that pulls a lot of power. If you do have a power hungry device on the same circuit it can be momentarily pulling the power down long enough to cause it to spike when it unloads some. That would cause your psu to go into a protection mode to save your computer. It's been a while since i have seen something like that but is more than possible. Is there a way to move the computer to another circuit? If you can try that. Unstable power is sounding like what it is.