Computer shutting down with no errors, no bluescreen


Mar 29, 2017
So the other day I took apart some of the bits in my pc, just to do regular mantainence, cleaning out dust, making sure everything is properly secured, applying some fresh thermal paste carefully to the cpu. I switched my gpu to a new pci slot on my motherboard. Ever since then, my computer will shut down as soon as it goes under any gpu load. I have run cpu tests with no problem, as well as ram tests. It gives no errors, and no warnings, just goes black and crashes, then the gpu fans kick on extremely high. I have tried clean installing the drivers, clean installing windows, have made sure the card is secured fully in place, but nothing is fixing the problem. Any thoughts? System specs are as follows: Asus Rog STRIX 1070 8gb, Intel i7 4790k, 16 gb ddr3
first of all, don't make a habbit of pulling your PC apart for "maintenance", especially when you have such a new card, which means whenever you installed it you probably did a nice clean up job. Moving on, why did you change the cards PCIe slot? this deffinitely feels PSU / MOBO related, best and quickest way to go forward is to drop your 1070 in another PC and do a benchmark (firestrike) or something similar, make sure the card is indeed working correctly, if it is it really only leaves PSU or MOBO.

Unfortunately I don't have another pc to drop it into, and I pulled it apart because I didn't like the slot I had my card in in my mobo. It was bunched up with a ton of other crap and I was worried about overheating. Oddly enough, I've just ran stress tests again,s ending my card over 60 celcius (the highest I can get it to go with stress testing) and no crash. So it seems like sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. I can't pin down what's causing it. By the way, I should have mentioned that when it crashes, the machine isn't losing power. It stops running, but all the fans in the case and cpu still run, and the gpu fans kick on extremely high. It's not even getting hot though, which is what concerns me. It might be worth mentioning as well that after I put everything back together, I did a refresh of windows 8.1