Computer shutting down


Dec 31, 2015
A week ago I replaced my power supply after my old one died and my pc worked fine until now. After hitting the start button my pc boots like normal but after a couple minutes it just shuts off instantly. Any idea what could be wrong?

I don't know much about this stuff and am out of ideas.
Fan seems to spinning right. I'd focus on seeing if one of the corners of the bracket holding the CPU cooler, or the hold down, may have popped loose when you were working on the connections for the new power supply.


Dec 31, 2015

The new power supply is an evga supernova 750 b2
Processor is amd phenom 2 x4 925
Graphics card is Radeon hd 6700 series

Hopefully that helps idk much about this
Sounds like maybe a thermal issue. That's a very good power supply and is more than plenty for your hardware. While possible, it's very unlikely to be the source of the issue. Make sure you didn't accidentally disconnect any of the fans when you replaced the power supply or forget to plug them back in. Verify visually that all fans including the CPU cooler, graphics card and power supply fans are all running. Make sure the ECO mode switch is not on, on the back of the power supply, at least for now.

Verify you reconnected the graphics card and motherboard power connectors, including the 4 or 8 pin CPU power connector on the motherboard near the CPU. Make sure all connections are FIRMLY seated, but not so firmly you break something. Sometimes if a connector isn't fully seated, it will work, and then not work once things warm up a bit. Double check the RAM as well to verify none of the modules inadvertently got knocked loose or are not fully seated. Same for the graphics card.

Does the system shut down if you go into the bios or only if you boot into windows?


Dec 31, 2015

All fans appear to be running, I booted into bios and it shuts down as well. When I was in bios the CPU temp went red and it shut off around 85 Celsius.
There is definitely an issue with either your CPU, CPU cooler or thermal paste application. Your CPU temps in the BIOS shouldn't ever exceed more than about 40°C, Max. Really it should be more in the 30-40°C range. I'd double check that all corners of the CPU cooler are completely seated, as this is the most common problem in a case like this. If your'e overclocking, there is a clear problem with too much voltage. If you've recently repasted the CPU, or it has been a very long time since the paste was applied, it may be related to one of those things. Too much or too little paste, or paste that has dried out over time and lost it's effectiveness could contribute to or be the cause of high temps. I'd also make sure the CPU fan profile in the bios is set to the standard setting if there is a configuration setting there for it. For certain this is a thermal issue.

If the CPU cooler is rather old, the motor may be weak and while it might be spinning, it may be doing so far too slowly to keep the CPU cool. That's another possibility so see if the bios is reporting the RPM for the CPU cooler.


Dec 31, 2015

The RPM seems to top off at 3300, I didn't see any fan profiles. I'm not overclocking anything. And my pc is older aside from my power supply.


Dec 31, 2015

That seemed to be the issue, I must have hit the latch that held it because the it was very loose. I re-tightened it and everything seems to be in order. It's running at around 45 Celsius. I feel like an idiot but this is my first time working on my pc. Thank you very much for your time and help!
Don't feel like an idiot, just remember for the next time or when somebody else has a similar issue. I've seen people who were somewhat experienced builders get stumped by loose hold downs if it wasn't clearly visible. Glad it was an easy fix. Good luck.