Computer sleep problems


Mar 8, 2013
Im new,
I dont know if this is the right place. Here goes.
I just built a 1700$ computer, reinstalled windows 7 running off of a 120GB SSD.
I've never experienced this before..
When i click the button for my computer to go to sleep: It turns off immediately (as if it was going to sleep) then turns back on after 5 seconds, then about 30 seconds later turns back off (as if it finally went to sleep)

When my computer is off from sleeping and i activate it by the power button(the mouse or keyboard dont wake it) the tower turns on(fans and such all at full blast) and it takes another 30 seconds for anything to be sent to my monitor then the fans all whirl down back to their usual base speed.

Any thoughts as to what the problem is?(and the solution)
Do you have any background programs running? I've had a similar issue before, but I had an AV program that would power up to do a scheduled update.

The only thing I can think is that you have a program thats like a little kid. When mom (CPU) comes in and tells the little tyke to go to bed the program says "Aaw, come on 5 more minutes". The mom says "no its bed time", so she shuts off the lights. The kid on the other hand waits a few minutes (because hes so smart) for mom to go to bed, then turns the TV full blast waking everyone else in the house up. Mom yells to shut up and go to bed, kid get scared then shuts off the TV. The fans are babies, they scream when they wake up till mom comes and calms them down.

TL;DR program might not be responding properly when told to pause its function and power down.

The mouse and keyboard don't wake the computer unless it has the setting to wake on an input interface. Check your settings.