Computer slow when connected to wifi

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Oct 30, 2012
Hey all, I have a Windows 7 laptop that's for dedicated use with my photo booth. When at events, I am not connected to any wifi and when home I have it set to NOT connect automatically. Laptop runs fine 100% of time when not connected to WiFi. When I do connect, the laptop sloooows down dramatically. Nothing starts/opens/runs right away, commands take a long time to execute, etc. I have windows updates turned off. How can I find what and/or why this is happening?
First you should ALWAYS update your Windows as the point of the UPDATE is to 'fix' problems and PREVENT some exploits from occuring (for example your bluetooth may still be on and someone passes by can exploit it to access your data).

Secondly, off the net or not you will always catch even from 'manufacturer software' viruses and malware even accidentally. One thumb drive, one software install, or reinstall and something always pops up. You should also have a excellent Antivirus that UPDATES daily, and manually run Malware scans monthly if not weekly.

BTW from the sounds of it, you might think that since you ONLY use the laptop to 'process transactions', may I remind you that TARGET's cash registers are not on the Internet, yet were...
First you should ALWAYS update your Windows as the point of the UPDATE is to 'fix' problems and PREVENT some exploits from occuring (for example your bluetooth may still be on and someone passes by can exploit it to access your data).

Secondly, off the net or not you will always catch even from 'manufacturer software' viruses and malware even accidentally. One thumb drive, one software install, or reinstall and something always pops up. You should also have a excellent Antivirus that UPDATES daily, and manually run Malware scans monthly if not weekly.

BTW from the sounds of it, you might think that since you ONLY use the laptop to 'process transactions', may I remind you that TARGET's cash registers are not on the Internet, yet were not only hacked but also infected with Malware at the point you 'scan' your Credit Card.

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