Computer sometimes freezes randomly


Dec 23, 2015
my computer sometimes freezes randomly without any BSOD and i have to do a hard restart
here's my specs:
i5-3570k @3.8GHz
Patriot 4GB DDR3 dual slot RAM
FSP 450W psu
PixelView GTS 450
Gigabyte GA-P75-D3

my computer randomly freezes, sometimes even during the windows startup logo or when the gigabyte sign pops up when the computer is started, I've been looking for some solutions online, and mostly the solutions were changing the RAM slots or checking for defects on the cpu or the gpu, i've ran a cpu test with the Intel's processor diagnostic tools and no problems were found, i've also ran a memory test with the windows memory diagnostic tool, and again, no problems were found, most of the times, my PC runs without any problem at all but sometimes it will freeze randomly without warning, either during the startup, or when the PC is idle, and also during a gameplay. I've also updated my hardware drivers, but still the same problem persists.
i suspect it's a problem with the PSU, i'm planning to change the PSU, but i'm still unsure about it,i don't want to spent money on a new PSU if it is not gonna fix the problem. Any solution will help..
I looked at your power consumption and I see at more 275W I doubt your PSu is at fault here

in my professional experience, windows memory test is as efficient at doing the job as the windows defragger is with hard drives..

you stated "it will freeze randomly without warning, either during the startup, or when the PC is idle, and also during a gameplay".
Get memtest86+ install it on a USB stick with RUFFUS and do a proper test of your ram.
I suspect Ram or your Motherboard is flaking out on you.

Tried your solution, and no problems were found. What i'm suspecting is not that my PSU is underpowered, but i suspect the PSU is just failing, because it's a cheap PSU, i bought it for about US$20.5