Computer starts then stops


Feb 1, 2012
Hi, I have posted previously about my computer starting and then stopping and doing this continuously with no beep.
I tried replacing the hard drive and this made no difference. One thing I notice is the orange reset light is not on and only flashes on when it turns off. Any ideas would be welcome.
I suggest removing and re-seating the RAM. Also double check to make sure all the power connectors are seated firmly as well as any peripheral cards. Also, dusting is a good idea. You very well could have a short. I've had systems that did the same thing and I couldn't figure out what the hell was going on so i took the whole thing apart and looked at it confuse but found nothing wrong. In the end, when i put the system back together after cleaning all the dust out, it worked just fine.

Dust kills computers!

Edit: Also, reset the BIOs. Easiest way is to unplug the power from the back of the PC and then pop out the cmos battery on the motherboard, wait 5-10 seconds then put it back in.
I tried holding the reset button down for 30 seconds and it stopped surging but will not boot and nothing registers on the monitor. When I turn off the computer at the wall and on again, I have to repeat holding the reset button or it still surges and stops.
I suggest removing and re-seating the RAM. Also double check to make sure all the power connectors are seated firmly as well as any peripheral cards. Also, dusting is a good idea. You very well could have a short. I've had systems that did the same thing and I couldn't figure out what the hell was going on so i took the whole thing apart and looked at it confuse but found nothing wrong. In the end, when i put the system back together after cleaning all the dust out, it worked just fine.

Dust kills computers!

Edit: Also, reset the BIOs. Easiest way is to unplug the power from the back of the PC and then pop out the cmos battery on the motherboard, wait 5-10 seconds then put it back in.
It is an alienware - I have disconnected everything and pulled out the motherboard and cleaned it. I have a v8 cooler and it was very dusty. I have reseated everything and done the same with the ram sticks. The fan in the power supply works as well.
I have removed the cmos battery and then replaced it.
I have exhausted all avenues - Is there anything else to do before I put the motherboard back?
Thanks for your help

Ok, I have pulled my computer apart and reseated and cleaned everything and still I am getting the same on and off issue.
Again, if I hold the reset button down for about 20 seconds it stays on but does not boot. I have replaced the hd - so I can only assume it is the motherboard. I will have to take it in to see a tech, something I wanted to avoid financially, but I have exhausted all avenues.
Could be the power supply also. Have you tried different RAM, or the RAM you have one stick at a time? PCs not turning on very very rarely is caused by the hard-drive which seems to be the only different thing you tried. Usually power supply, ram or the motherboard.

I took my computer to a tech - he couldn't pinpoint the exact cause, but said the fault is most likely a memory fault or a fault in the memory controller in the cpu. There is a set of numbers that go in a sequence like this that flashes up - f3,f6,f3,f6,f3,f6,68 - he was not sure what this meant - he thought it was memory related.
He tested the power supply and checked the ram. What do I do now, how do I narrow it down further?

What are your PC specs?

intel core i7 processor
evga x58 SLI motherboard
radeon 4870 x2
6gb ram corsair 750 watt psu
v8 coolermaster
seagate barracuda 7200.12 1TB

It's about 4 years old and I have previously replaced the hard drives
Do you know what those numbers represent?