Computer starts to lag after ~1hr of use


Oct 3, 2015
For some reason my computer starts to lag behind in everything i do after its been working for about 30mins to and hr, I've tried everything; scanning for viruses (with norton) cleaning it, moving it to a different place for better ventilation, and still the problem persists, any suggestions? This has been going on for a couple weeks now

* GTX 770
* i5-4670k
* MSI Z87-G45
You didn't mention your ram & have you tried disabling unnecessary softwares that automatically run at start up through task manager you can disable them

& Norton Av sucks get Kasperky , Avast or 360 total

Edited the specs for ram, I got 8 gigs, and yeah, I disabled unnecessary software, I'll try Kasperky/Avasat/460 total. Also tried running a test of how my temp went, after playing a lilt bit of Witcher 3 my max temp was ~60 and min was ~30 (C) on my CPU