Hello. I built my computer (parts list herehttp://pcpartpicker.com/p/gVwHCJ) nearly 3 weeks ago and everything has been going swimmingly until today. I turned my computer on and all everything turned on, but without any display. I turned the computer off and on, unplugged it, checked the HDMI cable, and changed tvs. When I changed tvs I noticed when I start the pc that it displays the motherboard spash screen for around 3 seconds with the cursor in the middle of the screen and then it cuts to black. Upon startup, I hear a single beep indicating everything is working properly. I tried unplugging and replugging everything, realigning my RAM, changing PCIE ports for my GPU, reseting the BIOS, holding the power button down for 60 seconds unplugged, and inspecting my GPU. I have not experienced any power surges within these 3 weeks and am not sure what is wrong. All my drivers were up to date and I was able to play games with ease. I've exhausted all my options and am unsure what to do next. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.