Question Computer stuck on integrated graphics and not switching to graphics card (but showing in hidden devices in device manager) ?

Jan 23, 2022
I recently upgraded some parts of my dads old computer. I changed the cpu, added some more ram and installed an ssd. When I turnt it on everything seemed to be working fine except for the fact that the display is stuck on integrated graphics. I tried changing the settings in bios, installing drivers, trying to switch it in device manager but it doesnt show up. I figured I may have damaged something in the motherboard so I replace it with a new one. However the problem is still occuring but this time the graphics card shows up under hidden devices in the device manager. I have watched pretty much every youtube video talking about a similair issue but nothing seems to work. I know the graphics card is not faulty as I put it in my pc and it worked perfectly fine. Any help to fix this issue would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
full system spec?
monitor connect to the gpu?
GPU - Gigabyte RTX 750 Ti
Motherboard - Intel DQ77CP
CPU - i7 2700K
8GB DDR3 ram
1tb hdd & 240gb ssd

And yes I have one monitor plugged into GPU and one into integrated graphics and the one connected to Integrated Graphics always turns on and the one connected to gpu remains off