computer suddenly turns off and won't turn on

Nov 28, 2018
Hello everyone, I've had this pre-built cyberpowerpc for four months now working fine until I came across a random complicated problem.

*Here are my specs for context:
-MSI B360M Bazooka Mobo
-MSI GTX 1060
-8x1GB Ram
-500w Bronze Plus PSU

This all happened a day after I was playing around with my friends GTX 1070 and his 8gb ram(16 total) for two hours then switched everything back to the OG components and everything worked fine until the next night after work when the computer only stayed on for a minute and suddenly shut itself off without being able to turn itself on again. Readjusting the Ram seemed to solve the problem until another night after work when the problem got more persistent. Did the same thing with the Ram, Paperclip tested the Psu which came out fine, then something interesting occurred after I attempted to jump-start the motherboard with a screw driver and the power switch pins. Everything was running except for my stock cpu cooler. After turning it off to conserve my cpu the problem got even more persistent where I can't jump start it again and I'm not entirely sure whether the problem is the Mobo, Cpu, or it's cooler.
I was going to say the PSU was failing, but after reading that last part about the cooler fan not spinning... I think you should replace the cooler ASAP and proceed from there. That may have been what shut the PC down and wouldn't allow a restart until after the CPU cooled.
Hey cluthc, I got an update: I have not yet attempted to replace the cpu fan as you said but shortly after the post I tried again as best as possible to readjust every connection and it didnt turn on right away but hours later without me doing anything it came back to life with everything working and running including the cpu fan but only lasting for a minute until it returned to its hibernation. I am very confused right now and I'm personally doubting the Psu paperclip test.
The paperclip test simply tells you that the PSU will 'turn on', not that it will output voltage. You need a voltmeter for that. Test at the 24pin connector once the system is powered up using this pin-out. Take all readings to any ground pin.
If you don't have a meter, you can pick up a PSU voltage tester cheap.
Before you do anything tho, you may want to remove all external wiring from the board except the PSU and try again. Remove everything except CPU/cooler, Ram first. No video connection. That will eliminate it being one of the peripherals. See if the board powers up and keeps running. If it keeps running normally, then connect the monitor to the iGPU (no card) and try again. Keep adding peripherals one at a time between tests.