Computer Suddenly Won't Boot


Feb 4, 2018
Thank you for your reply.

What happened the end of the evening the computer was shut down normally after being
able to use the computer normally. But the next morning (when the computer was turned back on) is when we noticed the computer didn't boot. so...
to my way of thinking, if something goes out "suddenly", it's a simpler fix than something that is a lingering problem, that makes it more serious.

So, that is what I'm dealing with , regarding this particular computer. Thank you. Tony

Carl A. Beigle
Thank you for responding, first of all... I have

1. Rest the Bios/changed the boot priority
2. Created recovery disks
3. Tapped ever F key there is.

This is a Toshiba C55-B5299 Satellite Laptop.

I also have watched every Youtube video, where (in the video)
everyone is able to recover/etc.
The computer was (virtually ) working fine one minute and when we rebooted it up the next morning, we were not able to boot up. So I am thinking it is more simple than serious. I just don't know what caused it, whether an update, or whatever. I am leaning more toward the computer "crashing", than deleting the operating system altogether. I hope that helps.