I've tried plugging in a connector (small version with 4 holes. It was attached to the same wire as the molex connecter- i think thats what it was called. It had 4 bigger holes) and that didnt work. I dont have anything that fits in the holes on the mobo. The CPU/video card fan work.
I have a M925 ultra rogue gaming casehttp://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA6UM3RT4370&cm_re=m925_ultra_rogue-_-9SIA6UM3RT4370-_-Product
and an MSI 970 gaming motherboard
I have a M925 ultra rogue gaming casehttp://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA6UM3RT4370&cm_re=m925_ultra_rogue-_-9SIA6UM3RT4370-_-Product
and an MSI 970 gaming motherboard