Computer thinks the old CPU is inside, how to fix?


Jul 16, 2014
I have been using my backup system for a while and decided to upgrade it from a core 2 quad q6600 to a q9505 since it was only 18$ on ebay. Got the CPU, it looks great, put it in fine and i'm posting this from that machine. When I go to task manager it's running at 2.4ghz, then I look over and it says Q6600.

Checked the bios and it doesn't show anything where you would normally see the model. Now when it restarts Windows shows up and doesn't load in. Going to swap back and see what happens.

Possible the board just doesn't support it? Thought if the socket was right you are fine
you may have an old bios on your mb. see if the vendor has an updated bios file for it. then update the mb see if anything changes.

thanks, going to try it tomorrow. way too tired after all of this tonight to put the clean cpu back in and mess with this lol.

not sure if this helps, but the fans come on like normal and for some reason the exhaust fan stops after the bios.
well this sucks... apparently after looking up this motherboard, it doesn't support the cpu. it's hard to tell what cpu I can use. it says the 9550 works, but someone on here with the mobo and a 9550 says it didn't work for them. at least it was only 18$ can probably sell it and make most of that back..

I guess these oem boards are basically trash, I did not imagine this might even possibly be an issue. I've upgraded in the past on aftermarket motherboards and never an issue. first time I have replaced to a newer cpu on a oem one though. I could really use that 20% boost on this backup system, but it's probably not even worth attempting to buy another one.